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Eneo recently launched an operation to readjust customers’ power loads. Customers whose loads had been revised upwards were asked to pay an adjustment bill. What was it all about?


The Rules of Service allow customers, when subscribing, to choose the subscribed load that suits them, according to their installed capacity. This installed capacity depends on their household equipment. On this basis, the circuit breaker is adjusted by Eneo to correspond to this load. The customer may/must, in no case, tamper with the circuit breaker. If they wish to increase their load because of added equipment, they must inform Eneo and pay for the resulting increase in load.

Circuit breaker calibration is done exclusively by Eneo. The commitment form jointly signed and given to the customer after installation of his meter provides full information on, and the state of each equipment installed. Any modification of this calibration without the approval of Eneo is the entire responsibility of the customer who is held accountable.

The differential between the officially subscribed load and the circuit breaker setting is considered a “subscribed load fraud”. "However, there are no technical control or penalties. The customer is just required to pay the difference or to return to the load recorded in the system.

We therefore launched a load update operation, for reasons of safety and quality of service. Uncontrolled load gaps are sources of overload, drop in voltage, explosion of transformers, and consequently, power outages. 

The adjustment fees charged to customers whose field amperage turns out to be higher are used to adjust their consumption deposit at Eneo. This money is refundable upon cancellation of the contract, after deduction of any unpaid bills.

The customer is free to adjust or not his/her subscribed load by paying these fees. However, they will have to maintain at home the same load as the one recorded in the Eneo system.

Subscribing the right load allows, on the one hand, for an optimal functioning of domestic equipment while ensuring their protection, and on the other hand, a safer dimensioning of cables and transformers by the Eneo teams; and even those of SONATREL, in terms of adapting the transmission and distribution networks to the real demand on the field.

For a household, when the subscribed load becomes insufficient for a safe and reliable supply, due to the addition of new equipment, it is recommended to contact Eneo services to formally request for an increase in load.


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